Everything is ready in Aviano, Italy, for the first race of the 24mx MiniEnduro European Cup, the series dedicated to children aged 12 to 16 which this year will consist of three races after the excellent “zero edition” last year in Grigno, in Italy. A format created to bring future champions closer to the world of continental enduro, useful for gaining experience in international events, with other kids of the same age and with the same passion from all over Europe. As many as 10 nations will be represented in Aviano: first and foremost Italy with 39 athletes, followed by Germany with 13 and France with 11 riders at the start. Also flying high over the Italian skies are the flags of Sweden, Finland, Slovakia, Poland, the United Kingdom, Austria and Portugal!

A riot of colors that we will see united on Friday evening when the presentation ceremony of the competing riders will take place at 6 pm. A parade that will have a completely new flavor for the Enduro European: the boys will in fact travel the streets of Aviano from the paddock to the town square on motorbikes, escorted by the local authorities and by the European champion Maurizio Micheluz, organizer of this first MiniEnduro round with the Pedemontano motoclub. Once the motorbikes are inside the parc fermé, set up in the main square of the town, the competitors will go up on stage for the official presentation.

The first day of competition will start on Saturday 25 May at 9.00 am, from the main square; once they leave starting stage, the boys will take a path that will take them to the Enduro Test after about 15 minutes. Once the special has finished, another part of the path will be tackled to reach the Cross Test, located on a large meadow. Once the test is over, after about 5 minutes, riders will return to the paddock. There will be 5 laps to complete for both days. After the end-of-race assistance, the riders will return the bike to the parc fermé which will be located close the paddock. Once the last competitor has arrived, the awards ceremony will take place and we will celebrate the first winners of the day of this new 24mx MiniEnduro European Cup. The second day of competition will always start at 9.00 am, this time, starting from the paddock. The exact same route and the same special tests will challenge the young riders competing on scheduled day 2. The day will end with the usual awards ceremony.


The weather promises sunshine for the whole weekend, we keep our fingers crossed and renew our invitation to you to come to Aviano to see these small but great riders in the race live! We will see there!






Press Office Enduro European
