The 2023 Airoh MiniEnduro European Trophy was presented Tuesday, April 18. The ceremony was held in Palazzo Trentini, an ancient and prestigious building of 1700 located in the heart of Trento and headquarters of the Council of the Autonomous Province of Trento. For the occasion it hosted authorities, journalists, organizers and supporters of the young riders’ round that will kick off on June 24 and 25 in Grigno, Trento.
The ceremony was opened by the words of the president of the Civezzano motoclub, Paolo Zordan, who, together with his staff, will direct this first international minienduro event. Paolo addressed a greeting to all those present and then left the word to the President of the Council of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Dr. Walter Kaswalder, who recalled with great pride his past as a rider of the old Regularity, now called Enduro. “I wanted to host this presentation inside this palace because the activity carried out by the Civezzano club dedicated to children with the organization of races and safe driving are very important for the future of our children” that’s what Dr. Kaswalder said, before moving on to the thanks addressed to those present.
Then was the time for the mayor of the city who will host the enduristica kermesse, Grigno, to speak the geom. Claudio Voltolini who immediately embraced this initiative and made the territory available to create an international event. However, the collaboration between Grigno and the Motoclub Civezzano goes beyond the practice of sports; there are many projects and initiatives carried out by the two realities. Both Grigno and the club have been carrying on the tourist development of the area for years and the restoration and maintenance of currently impassable tracks. Finally, the mayor recalled the importance of an event like the one that will take place on June 24-25 for tourism; in fact the race will be an opportunity to make the territory known to many foreigners who will be able to return to these areas to explore the beauties of Trentino as tourists.
The word then passed to Tony Mori of Maxim, promoter on behalf of FIM Europe of Continental Enduro. “Last year I illustrated to Paolo a project dedicated to children, who are the future of our sport. The idea was to create a European Minienduro Championship that could be as successful as the Italian Minienduro Championship that for years, we have followed and promoted. So with Paolo we started talking about this new project. I consider Paolo a great organiser and so, after creating the project, I presented it to the FIM Europe which immediately married our idea. The minienduro championship like that much, that today we already have many requests for the next season from the various European federations. This year we will start with a trophy, on a single test and experimental, but the goal is to create a real championship with 3-5 rounds spread throughout Europe. The riders’ age is from 12 to 16 years old, due to several laws that regulate the sporting activity of the little ones in the various countries of the continent. The future European MiniEnduro Championship will not only be a competitive Championship, but an opportunity for exchange and knowledge between cultures to break down the walls that too often divide different countries. Not to be underestimated also the tourist aspect, very important to make known the beauties of the various European nations.”
The greeting of the vice president FIM Europe and Italian Federation member Francesco Mezzasalma has highlighted how growing young athletes is of fundamental importance for the continuity of sport. In particular, he recalled how a few years ago, in the quality of Sicily’s president, he supported the growth of Andrea Adamo, who on Sunday 16 April in Arco di Trento won the Motocross World Championship MX2 Class during Trentino’s GP. Dr. Mezzasalma then brought the greetings of FMI President Giovanni Copioli and FIM Europe President Michal Sikora.
To conclude the speeches Nicola Versini, president of the Co.Re. Trento, has expressed his greetings to all those present and awaits all numerous at this important event.
Don’t miss this great event, come and see these young riders in action. See you in Grigno next June 24th and 25th!
Martina Riboni – Press Officer Enduro European – –
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