We inform all the riders and followers that the Airoh Round 4# that will take part in Rudersdorf – Germany – will be a 2 days race; on Friday no race will take place, all the riders will compete on Saturday and on Sunday, like they have done so far. The program for the last round will be the following:


Friday 28th October: Administrative and technical inspections

Saturday and Sunday 29th – 30th October: Race Days.


The special test will be the following:

Airoh Cross Test, Eleveit Enduro Test and 24MX Extreme Test. On our website ( https://www.enduroeuropean.com/gare/gara-round-4/ ) you will find some information concerning them.


It’s already possible to complete the registration! Here the link where you can find the entry form https://www.enduroeuropean.com/registration/