It’s him again. It’s his again. It’s still his. The overall of the 24mx Enduro European Championship saw only one name stand out above all, and that is Andrea Verona! The young Italian talent once again put his signature on the overall, winning day 2 in San Marino. Under a very hot summer sun, even more blazing than yesterday, on this third Sunday of June, the 24mx Enduro European Championship experienced its fourth day of the 2024 season. San Marino acted as the stage for this second round, with the Baldasserona cross-track at the center of this appointment number two.

Like yesterday, three special tests were tackled by our riders at the start, all three times. At the Cross Test, dust was the protagonist of the day and the hard ground became slippery.Great show again today in the Extreme Test, characterized by passages on rocks. The Enduro Test, on the other hand, tested the endurance of our riders with its almost 10 minutes of length.The best rider today, as mentioned before, was Andrea Verona with Matej Skuta again second behind Verona. Davide Soreca closed the podium, climbing onto the first step of the E1 and taking home his fourth success of the season.

The Italian rider won ahead of the Finnish Hermanni Haljala and Davide Mei. Verona imposed himself in E2 with the two Englishmen Daniel Mundell and Alex Walton once again behind him. Significant victory for Anthony Geslin (Atomic Moto) in E3. Mattia Capuzzo was unable to do anything and finished his race in second place, followed by Mirko Ciani.The French anthem resounded loudly again today in the Junior 1 class thanks to Killian Lunier, truly uncatchable today here in San Marino. Behind Lunier, Samuel Davies and Matej Skorepa finished on day 2.

Excellent form for the young rider from the Czech Republic Matej Skuta who, in addition to second place in the overall classification, took home the victory in the Junior2. In second position we found Diego Haution of the Atomic Moto team while in third the Finnish Samuli Puhakainen.

The Youth class still had the signature of Pietro Scardina (Team Specia) who took home an excellent 1-1 from San Marino. Intense battle behind Scardina, between Gabin Allemand and Riccardo Pasquato (Team Specia); the two finished a few hundredths of a second behind the Frenchman Allemand.Busy day for European Championship new entry Rachel Gutish; the American also won on day 2 but this time the advantage over the German Tanja Schlosser was very small: just 3 seconds!

Third place went to Linnea Akesson.The positive streak of victories continues for Maurizio Micheluz. Even here in San Marino he was the fastest in the Senior class. In second position we found, like yesterday, Nico Rambow and Martin Gottvald. The script is also repeated in the Trade Teams: Gaerne climbed to the top step of the podium followed by Diligenti Racing and Team Finland.


We close this overview of today’s podiums with the 24mx 50 cc Trophy: first place here in San Marino and seasonal victory for the young Davide Cabass who with his small Fantic 50cc and his tenacity thrilled the public and professionals.


The curtain falls on San Marino. Two months separate us from the next appointment which will be on 17-18 August in Sipoo, Finland.


See you there!



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